Ladies and Gentlemen,
I think that this time, we've reach the end of our project.
The people visiting are very low, the posting is virtually at nothing and we are reaching the end of PHP7.4 and the software that we are using cannot last when this happens.
I really have 3 options now.
- I find and use a new software and we start again. It is feasible but are you willing to commit to make it work. FYI: I have a license to version 5 (that I paid) and the data won't transfert correctly. Also, v5 is already obsolete and they want even more money for v6 so I won't even consider this know the free options available.
- Transorm this website into something else, like a survival store. I am sure that I can work with a couple companies that will do drop shipping.
- Shutdown everything and move to another part of my life.
The decision is up to you, the members, and I will abide by your decision. Please let me know here what you want to do or what other options that you may have.