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Thread: Wow....Ishmaelites run keep us properly herded....

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    Senior Member
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    chesapeake bay, virginia

    Wow....Ishmaelites run keep us properly herded....

    I am up very early this morning and have been catching U Tube Videos and tonight I caught a Gutfeld video with a particular guest and what this guest stated....clarified much of what we see and is happening to the country.....including the Illegals....but much much much more....

    Gutfield....6/22/24 is the episode...

    What the guest that what the progressives operating behind the Democrat Party are doing to the country and taking steps insure a forever Democrat Majority over the

    I was always upset ....that from the beginning ....the Biden Administration seemed to be more of Dividers ...than Uniters....this is obvious.

    People had to be divided by sexual orientation...

    And now disarmed....mentally , spiritually , as well as physically....and substitutions brought to the forefront to replace our thinking with guilt and al

    The Illegals...that is obvious what is going on there. also a part of this scheme to insure a Democrat majority Infinitum.

    Trans....and using this format to insure votes and making the rest of America conform to someone else's sexuality....really stupid......but highly manipulated to those who do not see what is happening.

    We do not have to approve of anyone else's sexuality ...period....male, female or any sexuality...and you are not to be held hostage and or bondage ...involuntary servitude to someone else's sexuality.

    See Amendment 13 of the Constitution .

    One move after another...after another ....and to happen more often under such progressive administrations is for he purpose of Herding us into "Involuntary Servitude" to a social and or political system in which we do not believe.

    In this manner we become subjects....not citizens with rights....from god....but guilt and shame from professional social engineers/ideologs....etc etc al.

    This is not liberty and or freedom...but coercion.....if you prefer....whoredom...also known as politics..

    All this manufactured division and or chaos....appears to be for the purpose of establishing a permanent Democrat infinitum...and thus Americans into involuntary these progressive leftist policies....

    We also know this ...because of what is happening in our public any parents protesting at the school board meetings are being labeled as "Domestic Terrorists."

    This kind of "Manufacturing Bad Guys " for political what you expect in Communist Nations and or third world nations......

    It is also not is dictatorial coercion....

    If you understand what I am attempting to describe becomes obvious why someone out here...not wanting to be seen or desperate to keep Trump out of office....for he is the very opposite of what is being attempted to pull over on the American Public.

    Now ...again....think this through ...carefully...

    The Republicans cannot possibly be that stupid.....can they???? So stupid that they do not catch what is going on yet are silent...

    To me ...with the often have to listen for their silence to catch on to them and what they are .....Democrat Lite.

    They too are not for the American People..

    Be very very warned these Ishmaelites in both political parties.

    But you members make up your own minds and for your own reasons....

    Speaking for myself and my family....I do not like to be herded...

    Here is the video...comment by Paul Mauro

    The comment is from 9:45 to about 10:48...but others as well made good comments in the video.

    My non Ishmaelite. .02,
    Last edited by orangetom1999; 06-23-2024 at 05:17 PM.



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