Watching the events taking place out which we are all being grossly causes me to ask a question ...

That question is ......Is Lawfare the same thing as real leadership??? Or is Lawfare really another way of rigging an election????

And again are we supposed to think this far off script....and on our own without permission of our betters???

Is anyone in the MSM including the fabled Fox News asking this question"???? They certainly should be asking it!!!

Once again...I smell an Ishmaelite at work....working to install a puppet government run by people behind the scenes who are not elected....not appointed and heavily ideologs.

And this is why I think so much that this administration touches turns into dung...

But you members decide for yourselves and your own reasons.....I am merely posing the question for your consideration.....

I really do not think we are supposed to think this far off script...thus we become subjects...not citizens with individual needs, goals , and independence and Rights/Limited Government to get to our goals.

BE Warned these Ishmaelites....who would put and keep us into their bondage.

My Non Ishmaelite .02,

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Be Very very warned these Ishmaelites in both political parties....they too are not asking these questions.....

They are not giving us a full deck of cards here..

And, to me, this puts a real Light on what the Republican Party really is...Democrat Lite.
They are in on it.

The Republicans cannot possibly be that stupid ...can they ...or do they too need us stupid...

Not an Ishmaelite