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Thread: Are We Ever Supposed To Think This Far On Our Own ..without Permission????

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia

    Are We Ever Supposed To Think This Far On Our Own ..without Permission????

    Someone was telling me about this Russian Fleet operating off of Florida including submarines........

    Consequently I thought about it for a while....then re thought it...again.....and again....and again....then broke out laughing.....about it.

    While the conclusion to which I came is not funny...humorous....but it sure is ironic..... goes....

    For the members here who do not know what is a SOSUS is a whole network of listening devices which can monitor and track noises in water ..and at various depths. And I mean it is a huge network...both in the Atlantic Ocean and also the Pacific Ocean or anywhere we decide we want to listen the entire world..

    My point in this that we knew this fleet was arriving from way out in the ocean......way way off our shores.

    And I mean Russian Surface ships as well as submarines.....

    Which means if force is needed we could also bring this to bear ....if it came to that.

    But.....most nations do not want a situation to reach international levels and then get rapidly out of hand.
    The point is we know a whole lot about what is going on out there on the high things like the SOSUS net...or surface ships, submarines ....aircraft and even satellites.


    Contrast this with the 9/11 attackers back in 2001. They were successful in their endeavors because they were already here.. and until they struck....mostly undetected in our system. The system was not looking for them per se......

    And today ....we have leadership who has let enter ....en mass....millions of people.....mostly undetected....un monitored.......across this land !!!!

    This is leadership.???? Is this protecting/promoting the general welfare????

    Or is it setting us up to be hit from within???? It certainly appears to me to be making us extremely vulnerable.

    Are any of the members following and what are you thinking about what I am trying to describe here.??

    The question here in my mind is where is this going and this leadership????? Or is it Ersatz????

    Or is this Ishmael????

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites...who are often not the product advertised.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    - - - Updated - - -


    We have it on high authority that the most dangerous threat to America and Americans and our way of life is right wing MAGA Extremists.

    Now many of these people have college can we ignore that???

    Surely they must know something for which the rest of us have not a clue..

    Especially those in leadership positions living in Kalifornia and New York....for they know better than all of us put together. The rest of us are Fly Over Country. And these people and groups are building the perfect Ishmaelite Bee Hive/Ant Farm.

    The very Ishmaelite Ant Farm/Bee Hive wherein the surviving Americans will work and pay taxes for first place and come in Second, Third, and Fourth Place in their own country. Oh...and while this is going on ....these same Americans will support others on the public financial breast who are not even Americans.

    Just like is happening in Europe and the UK...

    Da Tovarich?????

    This is good for us ..for the perfect International Utopian Ant Farm/Bee Hive.

    Everyone knows that American Right Wing MAGA Extremists are a huge, huge, huge threat to this perfect Utopian Internationalist Ant Farm/Bee Hive with their archaic American beliefs in the Constitution, individual liberty and freedom, and Limited Government.


    Not an Ishmaelite


    Now........all that facetiousness aside.....

    The real question for thinking Americans is..........

    When , Where, Why, and How ......was our charter of government substituted/shunted aside by international....Bee HIve/And Farm goals...versus our Charter of Government which is supposed to be protecting our Individual Liberty and our Rights.....and Limited Government.

    That is the singular Question for those of us who can think past the Kardashians and or ESPN and other distractions/Amusements designed to replace thinking with Emoting.

    Remember now.........think.....think....think.....

    We here in Amerika are not being protected...............en mass. If anything we are being groomed towards disarmament ....en more ways than one......mentally, spiritually as well as physically.

    But the Ukraine is being protected....

    Got it now???? We should feel good about that...and ourselves. Da????

    Are we ever supposed to be able to think this far on our own ............without permission of our betters????

    Da Tovarich??????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,



    Now.......for those of you members who can follow a pattern...or if you prefer....."Pattern Recognition"

    I am describing here pattern recognition......or if you prefer ....the pattern of things in Heaven and then here on this earth..

    For we are instructed to note the pattern of things here on earth versus the pattern of things in Heaven.

    Now....which pattern is the more profitable for us....the pattern in Heaven or the pattern here on earth amongst wise, educated, gnostic wise men seeking to build the perfect world wide Utopian Ant Farm/Bee Hive???

    Is this what we are taught in public schools through college levels today????

    Be very very warned of gnostic , Ishmaelite wise schools, colleges, or amongst leadership..

    Mayhap now some of you can Recognize why the Constitution and our liberties and freedoms and even History are such an poorly taught subject today.

    Such that we do not recognize this pattern of Ishmael and Ishmaelites and their bondage as it is taking place amongst and to our own country.

    Be very very warned these Ishmaelites,

    My non Ishmaelite .02,


  2. #2
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    OK, short input from a "sailor." The Russians have always been around off our shore. In the cold war, they did surveillance off our shores. Watching subs go in and out of Kings Bay, Ga. They were always around Cuba. Yes we have our listening devices sitting on the bottom on both coasts. Seeded some of the Left Coast myself in 2005.

    As for Leadership? The Military has few "leaders" left, most have become political to gain rank. Leaders don't care about rank, they care about making Warriors! Training our reliefs so I/we feel comfortable when we decide to "punch out" knowing our country is safe. Sad to say my guys are retiring as we speak. You don't want to know what their opinion on the current military. It's going to take years to recover from this slide.

    Just my roll-a-quarters........
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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