View Full Version : last weeks and today preps ...particularly coms...

06-10-2024, 01:16 AM
Late last week...at work....I charged up both of my Baofeng BF F8 HP walkie talkies and also the spare batteries....and put all of this gear into a heavy plastic bag..and in my metal locker. Also I charged up my Tecsun PL 368 short wave set and it's spare batteries....and also put it into a plastic bag in the case and then wrapped the whole with aluminum foil and put it also into the metal locker.

I also charged up my spare Nuclear Dosimeter at work..and put it too into the same metal locker.

https://www.amazon.com/Radiation-Detector-CHNADKS-Upgrated-Dosimeter/dp/B0BCVV7VM8/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1L4SRAIO073GU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nlV1oHfwcQdYOGAa8WlE3eJ9ZPMrX2Qqg 0tWtBdAPcja8CJjRo8LFN20IQV7ewD_LDUDnx2j-ImtjP8hqyG1Oqg-RUO75jHZPdO4SKztvfrYXrxDj_RBzpwZjFABuiWaB2ldqLn_ZA bCjO_R6PBlA6WZozthVxZTVouCxZbpfm2J0xBXOPxhiQibvzwi aKiOvOmh41g4cM8oz3KBFqEsTTeVuBBLzlhAegOn3daZBoc.3u YGe1DLpDSRvNY1MqFAXV4JcsMNGLEv6_obvGhqPo4&dib_tag=se&keywords=dosimeter+radiation+detector&qid=1717982441&sprefix=nuclear+dosimeter%2Caps%2C200&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

I am today charging my two spare Nuclear dosimeters....here at home and also the one I wear daily in my Tee shirt pocket....

I've not charged my spares in some time now....best get to it.

That birdie whispering in my ear...kind of thing.

Took a trip up to Leedstown, Virginia yesterday and met with some of the ham radio people in the Virginia Fone Net.....VFN and at their annual get together..

It was great seeing my friend from Tennessee and his wife as it has been awhile now.

I gave him my spare one of these gadgets and ordered me another.

These too have come down since I ordered my two some time ago.

https://www.amazon.com/aiGear-Premium-Walking-Machined-Trekking/dp/B07T5SL647/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1N2N5BCGN5H02&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.jwipuPPgjfJmS0wu0lVeAygl-Zy2M-RCbISF1pitkqKyW6-xb9UVvE9Yn1mlTvVWVk6rrbYdlCfOwQWEdsPSdfcEupTt6a4dg w1ttvZW56BiLVyi9Ntnatc9sHLB70xHre4fkMyzTNp3MKMLtzx LuuY_kEiqDWWjAp7Wz8LN-E8w5o9EZQ_khUHg9e6RpLRT5g1SzaWDdERApawZFm7fI6h0PeS Nc6X2nwhNeKwg_5Y.tD0Q5ynUcTj5Av4YE6faWblPymGr5jN6I wanIXqCEjg&dib_tag=se&keywords=walking+stick+tactical&qid=1717982383&sprefix=tactical+waliking+sticl%2Caps%2C297&sr=8-4

The Tee handle has a pointed tip for knocking out glass..also the other end is a hammer..

Various bladed devices inside and unscrew....in the different sections...useful tools.

There is also a fero rod in the bottom of it to aid in fire starting ...

Not an Ishmaelite.